πŸš€I’m ready to skip the following guide and try the 3NNOVA demo right now!πŸš€

πŸ‘€Welcome! We suggest you at least skim this guide!πŸ‘€

As you might know by now, 3NNOVA is a white-label set of tools designed to be flexible and scalable so you can focus on building your own core features on top of it instead of spending unnecessary time and resources reinventing the Web3-wheel. This means that EVERYTHING on this demo could be modified and adjusted for your project.

First, a couple of notes about the tech stack chosen for this demo:

<aside> ⛓️ This live demo was deployed on the Polygon L2 blockchain but 3NNOVA can also can work seamlessly with so many other EVM-compatible networks.


<aside> πŸ’³ MetaKeep wallet is our pick because we love its user experience for non-crypto users. That said, we've integrated 3NNOVA with many other solutions on a project by project basis.


<aside> β›½ When you sign up to 3NNOVA, your account will get some testing token so you can buy and sell collectibles and points without having to fund it yourself for this demo.


πŸŽ€What’s included for you to test on this demoπŸŽ€

This guide will provide you with a walkthrough of all the features and functionality that 3NNOVA has to offer. You will learn how to:

✍️ Sign Up and customize your Profile

πŸ›οΈΒ Buy a digital collectible

πŸ›’Β List for sale your collectible in the marketplace

πŸ‘₯Β Follow other collectibles and members

πŸͺœΒ Complete achievements and gain reputation

πŸ€‘Β List your points for sale in the marketplace

πŸͺ™Β Buy points in the marketplace